How Can We Help?
What is your application requirements?
We guarantee our owners free tenant placement if lease has to be terminated earlier during the first year of the lease agreement. To avoid unwanted, we focus all efforts on residents selection. Homeowners often ask us about how do we select good tenants to avoid evictions and legal cost? The answer is by running deep background check, eviction records check, employment verification, renting history verification, and other crucial processed that may help to select. We take tenant placement serious as “everything good has a good start”. Our average tenants placement time is 10 days. It may vary due to the property availability, condition, and other negotiations.
Under application, applicant will find the following disclose.
I authorize verification of references given. I declare that the statements above are true and correct, and I agree that the landlord may terminate my agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above. Application fee is $60. Application fee is not refundable. Once application is submitted, you will be requested to present your picture ID and income verification. In case of any repairs after 30 days of the lease beginning, tenant is liable up to $100 fee. General pre-qualification requirments are income three times of the rent, no evictions, and credit score above 600. If property requires lawn and/or pool maintenance tenant is subject to mandatory fees (lawn maintenance X/monthly and pool maintenance X/monthy). In addition, background check will be conducted. Good Faith Deposit: Applicant shall deposit a Good Faith Deposit of $_______ with Landlord or Management while the application is being processed. Applicant understands that other applications may be processed and another approved Applicant may be chosen. If Applicant is approved by Landlord and/or Management and the lease is entered into, the Good Faith Deposit, if any paid, shall be applied toward the Security Deposit. If Applicant is approved and chosen, but fails to sign the lease within 2 days of verbal and/or written approval and/or take possession after lease signing, the Full Good Faith Deposit amount shall be forfeited to the Landlord or Management in addition to any penalties as provided in the lease if the lease has been signed by the Applicant. The Good Faith Deposit shall be refunded only if Applicant is not approved and chosen. I understand that this is a routine application to establish credit, character, employment, and rental history. I also understand that this is NOT an agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved. Application review may take 3-5 business days.